Tomorrow, Feb. 16, is Mardi Gras. Weds. Feb. 17 is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent for those who observe it.
For most who observe Lent, that means no meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during the Lenten Season.
At my house, this is sometimes a challenge. My daughter is a major meat-o-saurus. My son is a teenage sports player. We go through lots of meat.
But it's only one day a week. Still, it's one of those things where I have to change my menu thinking because I don't always have a lot of seafood or vegetarian type things because that's just not my family's yen.
If you have a meat and potatoes family, you may have trouble thinking outside the box.
This posting is to point out some options to consider:
1. Go meatless.
Take your favorite meals and just remove the meat from the recipe. In a lot of cases, your recipe will still retain be workable for your family.
For example, I have some hearty salad recipes that call for chicken to be included. Omit the chicken; problem solved.
2. Seafood.
Lent is kind of funny in that its bias is against land-based meat, but not sea-based "meats". All fish, lobster, scallops, crab, and other seafood is included.
Minnesotans tend to love their fish fry events!
3. Soups and Stews
This is a great option and one that I will spend a good amount of time on.
4. Emphasize your carbs and fiber.
I'm not saying go crazy. Be sensible. But if you or your family don't feel full after a non-meat meal, consider adding a little more in the carbohydrate and fiber department. This doesn't just mean having a whole pot of pasta all by yourself. Add in some of the filling vegetables, like broccoli, to balance out your meal.
I think it will be great for everyone to look at some different options that taste great and aren't less filling!
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