Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Helper Recipe #3 - Parmesan Pepper Pull Apart Bread

Bread is always a staple at family holidays. At least for the ones we attend. Here's a fun recipe that's few ingredients, easy to prep AND tastes amazing.

Parmesan Pepper Pull Apart Bread
1/3 C butter, melted
1 C freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 t coarsely ground pepper - this is key. It makes a great visual and adds awesome flavor
2 garlic cloves pressed (this is always doubled at my house unless they are giant cloves)
2 pkgs (11.3 oz each) refrigerated dinner rolls

Preheat oven to 375. If you have a bundt pan, that works best for this recipe. Otherwise a deeper, rounded pan is the best choice for this recipe. It makes it easy to flip the bread out onto a serving plate.

If it's not a stone, spray or brush some cooking oil around the pan. Melt the butter in a wide, shallow dish. Grate cheese. Grind pepper and measure using a measuring spoon.

In a bowl, combine cheese, pepper and freshly pressed garlic. Separate dinner rolls and cut into fourths using kitchen shears. Dip rolls in melted butter and roll in cheese mixture.

Arrange rolls evenly in pan. Bake 25 minutes or until deep golden brown. Cool 5 minutes on a cooling rack in the pan. Then flip bread out on the cooling rack. Cool slightly.

Alternatives: You can make this just about any flavor you want. If you want Italian bread, use an Italian seasoning. Rosemary also provides a great flavor.


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